You’re Invited!
It is our deep desire that your first time at Lighthouse Church is inspiring, refreshing, and life-changing! Here you’re going to meet a bunch of people…just like YOU…who are so blessed to come together with one another on a Sunday morning. We’re all just real people, living a real faith, doing whatever we can to provide others with real hope. We want your first visit with us to be the best it can be, so check out some of our FAQ’s below. If you have any other questions, concerns, or just want to let us know you’re coming, click here to connect with us. We can’t wait to meet you!
First things first, there’s no Dress Code…
Our whole church comes together with no formal dress code. Some people enjoy the opportunity to dress up, while others prefer the comfortable casual clothes that they wear every day. We want you to come as you are, with no expectation for anything else. Be comfortable, be excited, and most importantly…be yourself!
Our Service Time…
Our Sunday morning service begins every week at 9 AM…in person, and online.
When You Get Here…
If you are visiting us for the first time, don’t worry…we aren’t going to embarrass you or have you stand up in front of everyone to introduce yourself! However, be prepared to be greeted and welcomed by some friendly people, who are so happy that you’re with us! We get it…coming to church for the first time, or after several years, can be overwhelming. It’s our hope and desire that when you visit us, our friendly team will greet you, welcome you into our family, and gladly help you with any questions or concerns you may have. You can learn more about our team by clicking here.
What About The Kids?
It’s in our DNA to create a family-friendly environment for anyone and everyone here at Lighthouse Church! After we’re done worshipping together, children in pre-school though sixth grade are welcome to attend our “Lighthouse KIDS” program, where they will explore the Bible through engaging, hands-on, and life-changing activities. For anyone with infants and toddlers, we also have a beautiful nursery designed with your little ones in mind! The nursery also features a live stream of our service, so you won’t miss a second of the action! Click here for more information on our Children’s Ministry program.
A Typical Service…
We always start by spending some time in worship singing some contemporary praise and worship songs with one another. No matter what, our desire is that in these times of worship, you would experience God no matter where you are in your journey of life. After a short time of prayer and announcements; we’ll hear a message from our pastor or guest speaker. We usually wrap up around 10:15 AM, but feel free to come whenever you can, and leave whenever you need to.
About the Message…
Every week our pastor or guest speaker shares an uplifting, encouraging message with all of us! Each message is thoughtfully and prayerfully prepared and we hope that hearing it will challenge you to discover God and His amazing love for you in your life. No matter who you are, we welcome you to come…be refreshed, be renewed, and be inspired! Previous messages are always available to catch up on right here.
At The End…
You are more than welcome to stay and fellowship with us over some coffee and snacks, or feel free to just head out and join us again next week. We can’t wait to see you.
Little Lights Learning Center
Little Lights Learning Center is a multi-denominational preschool serving families all throughout Schuylkill and Berks County. Little Lights provides exciting, engaging, hands on, life-changing learning! For enrollment, or to discover more information about Little Lights Learning Center, please click here.
Lighthouse KIDS (Currently unavailable)
Here at Lighthouse Church, it’s our deep desire to create a family-friendly environment for everyone! Reaching out and guiding the next generation in developing their relationship with Jesus Christ is so important to us. For more information on classes and events within the Children’s Ministry, click here.
SHINE Youth Group (Currently unavailable)
Teenagers in grades 7-12 are invited to join us every Sunday Night from 6-8 PM as we come together to discuss how we can be a light to the world, and shine within our community, friendships, and relationships. For more information on when we meet, visit our church calendar!


Women’s Groups
Women of all ages are invited to come together and make connections with other ladies just like them! Lighthouse Church Ladies host a variety of events, classes, and activities to providing friendship and encouragement to all. For more information on events, visit our church calendar!


Men’s Groups
We believe each man has a unique calling on his life by God. Come hang out with the guys of Lighthouse Church to grow in Christ and reach your potential as a man, father, neighbor, and friend. For more information on classes and events within our Men’s Ministry, visit our church calendar!
Music Ministries
Lighthouse Church has various groups of music related ministries that include our regular Sunday Morning Worship Team, as well as various performances and special events throughout the year. Check back soon for more performance information!
Lighthouse Church also participates in the Great Commission through our missionary outreach program. Check back soon to learn about organizations and individuals our church currently supports with both prayer and finances.


Pastoral Counseling
There are times in all of our lives when we need to talk to someone who listens and is willing to journey with us and care for our needs. Please click here for more information on pastoral care and counseling.




Phone: 570-366-1300
In Person: 10 Hollenbush Lane, Orwigsburg PA, 17961

Come Join us…
May 15th 6:30 – 8:00PM
Please Join us for a night of worship with Grace Free Church. There will be beverages and food provided.